Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas Coachmen!

The greatest thing to happen to campus has been a live band made up of musically talented colleagues . They have elevated social gatherings from table tennis to a football match. We have really talented singers and guitar players and a few novice and some experienced bongo players (percussionists) that are awesome.

This Christmas they accompanied some of the off-key carol singing and it really brought the spirit in. The music consisted of some traditional tunes (with T.Cal rockin' out to "Silent Night") and ended with the good old "Twelve Days of Christmas" - my part was the 8 maids of milking. It is nice to have a good laugh (the kind you have with good friends) once in a while. We definitely get it less here and it is not because we aren't trying, it is just different.

Santa (our friend Dave Tarbell from CO) came to lojmanlar and all the kids got presents. It was so sweet seeing all of their faces light up.

3 things I loved about Santa: first - T.Cal was in awe and barely moved when his was given his gift, second - Ella and Campbell (two of the last children to get their gifts) were so patient and had priceless looks on their faces when they got their gifts:
and third - Dave is one of the most fit guys on campus but a beard and a red outfit is all you need to be Santa.

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