Wednesday, February 18, 2009


T. Cal will have his first field trip tomorrow. I got the notice on Monday when he came home from school. It is toy week at Kreş, so they are going to the Toy Museum.

I looked at the permission slip and signed it, but as I was signing it, it felt strange. Who am I to decide it is safe for him to go? Was I supposed to forge my mom's signature or ask someone if it was okay that he go?

I guess not. I guess I am that person now. I guess I should expect him to learn to forge my signature now.

I am still not sure, so I am going as a chaperon.


  1. Isn't it bizarre to be "the mom." I so often think, "I'm not grown up enough to be doing this."

  2. Yes. It is a weird feeling. And yesterday I got the notice for parent-teacher conferences. Yikes! Am I already there too??
    Have fun on the trip though!

  3. I still wish I could be the one telling my 2 oldest if they could go or do something. Dang it if they aren't old enough to make their own decisions! I would give anything to be back in that "Wow, am I really the mom?" stage!
    Love it while you can!

  4. Now that Alex is four, I ask HIM permission to do things: "Alex, do you mind if go out with my friends tonight? How about if I spend your college money on a jet ski?"

    At least Calvin isn't going to the broken glass and rusty syringe museum-- I would never let my kid go on that trip, but the Toy Museum sounds pretty innocuous.
