Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too Big.

There is lots to see in Rome. I am thinking we will visit some museums the next time we go.

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We kept trying to not go to the hospital with Calvin, but after his 3rd day with a fever we thought we should hit up some antibiotics and a trip to the hospital was the only way to go. They gave us the scrip, and they also gave us this awesome medication that made his fever disappear in minutes for as long as 10 hours. It was insane. The downside to the meds was that I had to insert it somewhere I did not really want to. My poor boy. Gelato every night helped a bunch.


  1. Love all of the photo collages!

  2. pete started it. thank picasa. :)

  3. The pics are fantastic!
    Love those meds. Kel gets them too since he won't swallow the other stuff. Fun fun fun.

  4. great pic of the duomo-- but be sure to hide calvin's eyes from it-- many consider it's over the top architecture a bit gauche. sucks he's sick, hope he gets better soon. eat some cuttlefish for me!
