Wednesday, March 11, 2009


With the rain comes TV watching. I have been watching too much TV. It wouldn't be so bad if I could watch something funny or interesting, but we get the heavily loaded smash and grab media unfiltered through our free cable here. I mostly watch the Crime Scene Investigation channel (yes - an entire channel) and sometimes dove tail it with CNN. For a week BBC Prime was showing a makeover show much like "What Not to Wear" on TLC, except everyone had British accents and Clinton is a girl. BBC Prime also had some great show where they recreated historic events but did them with modern people with the old time technology. That was cool. For whatever reason they are now showing "The Weakest Link" on repeat all week.

Now I get murder and catastrophe in short video clips played in a loop.

I get creepy court case voice over the images of a small town and pictures from the random murder that took place there. I get to watch detectives hunt down a murdered during the first 48 hours. I get to watch stories about planes crashing into things and to watch the arrows next to numbers turn up and down each day. Occasionally I get to see Obam's face and people worrying that his lips won't make the right words come out. (I think he is physically going to be in my part of the universe in a few).

Intermittently I watch snowboarders, skateboarders, kite boarders, and sailors battle it out for some cup or chunk change prize on the eXtreme channel. There is always the option of watching Hannah Montanna (are you freakin' kidding me with that people).

May the rain stop and the running outside start.


  1. I understand. But I've discovered that YouTube is a great source for things like the Cosby Show, old movies, and 1960s tv shows that I've heard of, but never actually seen -- like The Saint. Also, check out We can't use the website in the UK, but you might be ok in Turkey.

    BTW, the British version of "What Not to Wear" predates the U.S. version. Different pair of "presenters" now, Trinny & Susannah have a done a couple of other programs since, but it was their idea first.

    Good luck getting outside time. That's the best!

  2. All fun things on American TV start in the UK right? Thanks large conglomerates!

    YouTube - blocked by Turkish government.

    We watch tons of online TV at and sometimes through megavideo - even current stuff. We are all up to date with The Office, 30 Rock, Smallville, House, How I Met Your Mother, and Bones, but being able to use a remote and not have to download anything sometimes makes pumping breast milk and watching easier, not more interesting, just easier. (TV is TV even if it is on the computer, and we definitely watch too much of it. Good night! - Look at that list! I am disgusted with myself and cannot wait to return to a busy life without media.)

  3. Wanna read a book?
    I'm trying to get my hands on The Physical Lincoln by Dr. John Sotos. Don't know if it would interest you at all.

    If you want something less cerebral I have a whole collection of chick lit I could sent over with your mom! ;-)

  4. how about purchasing some rain gear?
