Thursday, April 2, 2009

Obama Piggybacks Vacation Plans!

Unbelievable. It seems that Obama decided to do what the Clarks have planned.

Pete is going to Prague this weekend,
and so is Obama.

My parents are coming to Istanbul and we will be sightseeing next week,
and so is Obama.

Is he for real?

Who does he think he is trying to get in on our family time?

I hope I can find out where he will be so we know where not to go. Poser.

(Happy Travels everyone! ...even Obams)


  1. LOL! I think spies have intercepted your travel plans! They want to meet those adorable boys of yours!

  2. :) can't wait to see some family pics of your travels. love the latest of the boys.

  3. Have a wonderful time when your folks visit!
