Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Party in the Cistern

Leave it to the Turks to dress up a cistern with neon lighting and serve dinner and have echo-microphone singing of Hotel California and a male belly dancer from Lebanon.

If you entered a place like this:

Would you really expect to see something like this?
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My colleagues and I (let's be serious, who else do I ever hang out with) went out for a night of dinner and belly dancing. It was nice getting off campus and seeing another area of the city and getting to hang out in a cistern for the night. The food was good (I forget sometimes since the cafeteria serves a bad version of Turkish food) and the dancing even better.


  1. i teach english with your little cistern.

  2. i just woke up from a nap-- we had off today and i hiked the kids until they fell asleep-- and so i apologize: that was a really stupid comment (although it is kind of funny).

  3. i take it back-- now i think it's really funny.
