I made it to sleep in time to wake up to walk T. Cal to Kres this morning.
He dressed himself (as always). He did one sock, I did one. He tried one shoe, I put both on after he told me, "Too strong" (meaning too hard).
We played a round of Meyve Bahçesi (Hi Ho Cherry Oh) and read two pages of Road Dahl's "The Enormous Crocodile." Then Cal put on his coat (flipped over the head) and his backpack. We went outside and her banged on the back balcony with a few rocks while I strapped Hobbes in and off we went.
He transitioned well. Put on his "inside shoes" (slippers) and ate some honey on bread for breakfast. (Carrots and cheese were also on the plate, but Calv just hoarded them).
Upon returning to the house, I nursed Hobbes and laid him down and then realized that was it. I had some time to myself again. My staring contest with the laundry has ended. The dishes realized I wasn't standing them up. The floor was excited it could be seen by the public again. And I will no longer smell. I miss my boy.
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